HTML Color and Texture Tool


Main section

This is some filler text to take up a sample section of an HTML/CSS page. It's basically nonsensensical text that does not actually "say" anything, except of course just nonsense (although it makes sense to the text itself).
However, if it were to make any sense, then it wouldn't be "filler" text now would it? Also, no text actually "says" anything. It just sits there quietly on the page, giving rise to the philosophical question: "If text on a page were never read, would it ever say anything?".
OK. Here's some text that makes sense:
How to make a nuclear bomb:
1) Get some nuclear
2) Put it in a bomb
3) Attach a really, really long fuse.
There. Satisfied? If that wasn't enough, here's some more meaningful text:
How to cure the common cold:
1) Colds are caused by any of about 200 different viruses that are constantly changing. Thus there really isn't such a thing as a "common" cold. They are all uncommon. So since the common cold does not exist, no cure is needed.
There. Think of all that unnecessary research that can now be devoted to other pursuits.

Navigation section

Footer section

Initial Scheme

BG Color


Text color


Invert section

based on

HEAD texture


HEAD bg: BG color: "#RRGGBB"

MAIN bg: BG color: "#RRGGBB"

SIDE bg: BG color: "#RRGGBB"

FOOT bg: BG color: "#RRGGBB"

HEAD text: Color: "#RRGGBB"

MAIN text: Color: "#RRGGBB"

SIDE text: Color: "#RRGGBB"

FOOT text: Color: "#RRGGBB"

HTML Color/Texture Tool USAGE

To change colors of the various sections:

First select the Initial Scheme. color.

Next select the Section (Head, Main, Side, Foot).

Now you can change either the BG Color or the Text Color. The colored Up and Down arrows allow you to add or subtract Red, Green, or Blue.
Or you can use the "Dark or Light" buttons to darken or lighten the overall hue.

The amount of the change can be manipulated with the Speed buttons (Slow, Medium, or Fast).

Each time one of the color change buttons or arrows is pressed, the new "RGB" value is displayed on the right side of the control panel.
You can use the desired value for your HTML code.

You can use the Invert section button to invert the color of the selected section. If the result is not desireable, just hit the "Invert" button again.

To convert the select section to a section's "complementary" color, select one of the choices under the Complement section button.
These are "Head", "Main", "Side", "Foot". That is, if the selected section is Head, and you select "Head", the Head section will be complemented
based on its own color. If you select "Main", the Head section will be changed to the complement of the Main section's color.

NOTE: The "Complement" action is NOT reversable. It will be necessary to reset the "Initial Scheme" color.

To add a texture pattern to the Head section:

Select one of the colors with the Head Texture button. Use the Up and Down arrow to cycle through the textures for that color.

To save a texture:
At this time the HTML Color/Texture tool does not have an easy say to save one of the patterns.
You can use a screenshot tool such as Windows "Snipping Tool" under "Accessories" to snip a section of the texture.
Or if you are using Firefox, you can click on the Head section, and then right-click. The familiar "Save Image As" may not be available,
but there is a "View Background Image". The current image will appear in a separate window, and you can then right-click and "Save Image As".
NOTE" When you go "back", the color tool will RESET to the initial state!
So make sure you have jotted down any color combos that you have created.BEFORE you select "View Background Image"
We'll try to make this easier in a future release, along with providing an "Undo" for the Complement tool.